A funny story
Caio is broken the balls to be mentioned in the bills and for me paid to… Caio, because he can be subject to controls by the Revenue Agency, rumor has it that he lends money as loan sharks.
Tizio is incredibly indebted, so much that he regularly asks for help from Sempronio, he guarantees Tizio’s financial integrity.
When Tizio, Caio and Sempronio were born
They are Italian names that are used to indicate any person taken as an example, there is a very elegant concept of substitution in privacy compared to the more austere omissis.
They have origin in the late Middle Ages in the XI-XII century A.D., present in the works of Irnerio, an Italian jurist and glossator of the University of Bologna, he is considered one of the founders of the School of Law. They are widespread in legal examples of law manuals, later entering fully into generic use. Tizio takes on the synonym of such, also written in lowercase letters.
Is there someone else?
Less known after Tizio, Caio and Sempronio, used in legal examples, after to have employed the first three names in successive order: Mevio, Filano and Calpurnio.
The other guys that you find around
Nation | Names |
Albanian: | Filani, Fisteku |
Arabic: | فلان، علان وترتان (Fulàn, ‘Illàn u Tirtàn) |
Azero: | Ali, Vali, Pirvali |
Chinese: | 张三、李四、王二麻子 (zhāng sān,lǐ sì,wáng èr má zi) |
French: | Pierre, Paul, Jacques |
Greek: | Τάδε, Δείνα (Tade, Deina) |
English: | Tom, Dick, Harry |
Norwegian: | Gud og hvermann |
Italian: | Tizio, Caio, Sempronio, Mevio, Filano, Calpurnio |
Sardinian: | Bodale, Fulanu, Taligeni, Taniele, Cudha |
Dutch: | Jan, Alleman |
Persian: | Are, Oore, Shamsi, Kooreh |
Polish: | Ptyś, Ptyśkiewicz |
Portuguese: | Fulano, Beltrano, Sicrano |
Romanian: | Ion, Vasile, Gheorghe, Ana |
Russian: | Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov |
Serbian: | Pera, Žika, Laza |
Spanish: | Fulano, Zutano, Mengano. Perengano |
Swedish: | Andersson, Pettersson, Lundström |
German: | Hinz, Kunz |
Ukrainian: | Fedja, Vasja |
Urdu: | ایرا غیرہ نتھو خیرا (Era, Ghira, Nathu, Khaira) |