A new frontier of Cyber SEX?
I already know that among you there are some ill-thinking people that, reading the title, immediately slip into poetic biblical thought but, if you have the strength and courage to read this pill of an article you will understand!
Did you know that drugs can come from the parallel market?
Who in their life has never consumed a bit of chemistry based on Amoxcillin? But the beauty is that the same Italian Agency of the Medicine authorizes the marketing of medicines from parallel imports, if you want to learn more you have the Authorization of April 18, 2023 extract determination n.282/2023 .
The principle is that if there is an exuberance of drugs on certain markets, compared to more needy countries, the parallel importation is permitted, because the health comes at first place with respect to any possible speculation [repeat aloud with poetic tone]
Case study
Before to arrive the big pill in my stomach and then to be expelled, it is done a round trip around Europe as follows:
- Holder A.I.C. input on the market and manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline, S.A., PTM- C/ Severo Ochoa, 2, 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid), Spain
- Manufacturer: da Glaxo Wellcome Production, Z.I. de la Peyennièew, 53100 Mayenne, French
- Repackaged by: European Pharma B.V. 9482 WG, Tynaarlo Netherlands
- Importer: Medifarm S.r.l., via Tiburtina 1166, 00156 Rome
Here is the tour that the drug has made, it is born product and intended for consumption in Spain but, for an unknown reason, the Italy has need of Amoxcillina, with the authorization of the MdS, it is shipped to the Netherlands where they reopen the packages eliminating the boxes and the leaflets, relabeling (sticker applied on the blister) and then package everything in italian language. At this point the Italian parallel importer with office in Rome receives the batches for then distribute them on our territory.
I didn’t know that the product in question has created environmental problems: pollution, transportation, waste of resources. Ok for a particular drug that becomes scarce but the patent for amoxicillin trihydrate has now expired, there are an infinite number of generic products which don’t go around the world and also cost less.
The Advice
The next time you find a medicine of parallel import, leave it on the counter of the pharmacist, you will feel better immediately!