The thought wears out

Because you ordinary man don’t have to worry that particular events can happen to yourself, your loved ones and friends.

  • You will not experience devastating weather events. The Minister for Civil Protection Nello Musumeci has said: “We will gradually move towards the obligation to take out insurance against natural risks for homes in Italy”, read the source .
  • Your cell phone will not explode, don’t worry.
  • Your autonomous energy system produced by solar cells and/or wind turbines is perfect, all meticulously controlled remotely. If one day your voltage regulator were hacked with the aim of setting fire to your premises where you installed your dear photovoltaic system, have you ever thought about it?
  • Your home automation is perfect everything is controlled remotely, every little detail is managed by an app, if the internet goes down and you’re screwed.
  • You like talking to Alexa and you don’t know that she’s a big bitch and if you ask her she shamelessly denies it.
  • You have forgot what happened with the US commercial ban on Huawei, detailed information .
  • Theoretically every hardware has possible backdoors and bugs that allow it to be controlled. Let’s not forget the case of the hardware backdoor in FM11RF08S, Contactless at risk .
  • End to end encryption can be made clear by service providers and regulatory lobbyists that stick their noses in everywhere, Chat Control .
  • Proud to have installed cameras with Chinese apps that do everything and that cost very little.
  • Proud of your Chinese smartwatch paid a few euros that does everything.

Don’t mix wool with silk. Don’t commit the ordinary man’s naivety of confusing everyday problems with high-level cyber operations and sabotage on communication devices used as weapons of war.

A little history

The concept of Ordinary Man is like the Zibaldone of Giacomo Leopardi, a generic and current concept for our times. In 1944 the newspaper Ordinary Man had a great social impact until the foundation of a political party: Fronte of the Ordinary Man (OM). A magazine, atypical for those times, characterized by free information and satire, repaid the efforts with good sales numbers 850,000 copies. Interesting the reading that recalls the 75 years of the magazine published in 2019 click here .

We remember Guglielmo Giannini born in Pozzuoli and raised in Naples, founder of the magazine and the political party (OM), he was also a playwright.

What’s the change

We need to have a different approach, a greater awareness in the use of digital devices and all their implications.

Your dear cell phone will fulfill the primary communication tasks for which it was designed. You, the user, should know that it also represents a technological weapon of control and spying thanks to the countless sensors and it is equipped with sophisticated communication systems.