WARNING article is based on Italian legislation.
You have time until June 30, 2024
The opposition to the past service allows the patient to oppose it, by 30 June 2024, the upload, in the electronic health record, of digital health data and documents, generated by clinical events relating to the services provided by the National Health Service, prior to 19 May 2020. instructions on how to oppose its here , link to the National Health Service website access with SPID, area reserved, citizens.
Reasons to oppose its
Given that the health records are always available to medical personnel and inserted in the appropriate archives, without express consent they will be duplicated in the cauldron of the health card. In practice the Health Card System will contain all our sensitive health data in a centralized way, the consequences…
- What security has been applied to the citizen’s sensitive data. Consider that there is no 100% secure computer system
- The tests to verify the robustness of the IT platform of the Health Card are public, as the plans are the security and privacy control that are and will be put into operation (have they been made known to us citizens, or will we discover that they have been stolen by hackers).
- The data is managed within the MEF development team or has been outsourced to third party companies.
- Is the data obscured by those doing maintenance and development?
- Is the data encrypted with reliable security systems?
Some considerations
You imagine if your data comes into possession of, for example, life insurance companies, you can imagine what can happen.
My personal advice is to oppose it
IT steps for denial
Log in with your credentials and go to the FSE service - Opposition to previous records.
And for the past I can rest easy and for the current? It never ends, always on the alert!