News from Google

Day 13/08/2024 Google presented new products and technologies, click here. with quite a few figures of s… for functions that were not yet tested, which were struggling to get going.

What do we must to expect?

Nowadays phones are not only used for phone calls but they do much more for the joy (boredom) of users. Photographic systems pushed and optimized by always more precise and invasive software. The novelty is that the person that takes the photo is never photographed and risks not being present in a memory and here Google pampers us with a kind of double exposure with AI and satisfies everyone by create a reality that never existed.

At the time of film, I enjoyed making double exposures of myself, leaving those who looked at the photo speechless, displayed strictly on photographic paper. In those days the white room did not exist (Photoshop), you only worked in the dark room or with tricks that some cameras allowed you.

Today, we play with photos by moving subjects, changing expressions in portraits, or removing unnecessary and/or annoying elements, for a photo that satisfies our desire of the perfection.

Does the perfect photo exist, when it is the result of digital alteration of a non-existent or manipulated reality?

We have fun taking pictures and stimulating the mobile AI

I frame a poster that has dates, take a photo and memorize my participation in the event in the appointment diary, with AI checking if I have other commitments that may possibly overlap.

Visual searches from AI are the most creative for which I frame and, by magic, I have information that Google wants to give me/manipulate. At the top of the list is the searched product that Google will want us to buy only if the merchant has paid a lot of money to appear at the top of the search.

Big Brother advances

Transcription of phone calls so you don’t forget, but the best part is that AI can also give you a summary of the call, fantastic!

Google Gemini

Gemini I want it neapolitan!

Google beats everyone even Apple by presenting and making available its AI Gemini. Google is gradually perfecting its AI, it seems that it is only available in English with full functionality in any case, on the Pixel 6a the screen that I attach appeared…an honor to try Gemini.

Google Gemini

Proposal from Google to try its latest AI devilry Google Gemini.


It is not the statement of the legendary Natasha that delights her audience of fanzines in search of lost pleasure but it is Google itself that lures you by passing off a superior concept:

GEMINI is at payment!

You who are the idiot on duty who pays to extend the GB capacity of your cloud, I’ll squeeze you again like a lemon by making you pay for the AI (this will also apply to Apple) because only in the Advanced mode will be able to automatically count the hairs that have grown on your tongue in the meantime.

But if do I have to buy a cell phone?

I recommend you only and exclusively Android and only Google Pixel. STOP seems like a contradiction but that’s how it is, I have to explain it to you.