A true story

Friday morning, the office begins to swarm with workers foretasting the start of the weekend. Yes well, there is a lively moment where, little by little, they gather noisily behind Michela in front of the monitor that she has just been turned on, focused on something that is not yet clear to the rest of the people present in the room.

They start opening their notebooks and they place their cell phones on the desk, ritual smiles and someone starts to hear: «Yes, yes, I recommend it, it’s the shrimp in tuna sauce with drowned red mullet! I got it just last week», «The Neapolitan Cantonese rice with soy meatballs is really good», «Yes, we order from PocoRisoScaldato who brings it to the office!», «The order from PocoRisoScaldato scheduled for 1:00 pm is always very punctual», «Arugula and salmon for me, but do they put a lot of oil in it?», «Then let’s collect the sums, to you they are…, …., ….», «We’ve finally finished maybe next week we do a second round from PocoRisoScaldato

Dino has just put his laptop, in beatiful show, with the touch display that started with the facial recognition system, it’s true, he poses a bit like his new gadget. “Guys, incredible, you talked about PocoRisoScaldato, on my cell phone the advertising banner of the company PocoRisoScaldato appeared, which I didn’t know until a few minutes ago” and, without wonder and without confusion and with maximum indifference the working day begins.

these cell phones listen to what we say and deliver targeted advertising.

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If the story didn’t shake you, you’re indifferent, resigned, it doesn’t concern you, I try to give you a little shock by suggesting you watch the video .

  • Are you aware of how much **personal data **you have lost online?
  • Are you aware of how much data that you personally have not disclosed but that has been hacked by organization for which they have stored your information in an unsafe manner?
  • Do you have a sense of whether your email box has been hacked? Click here to check .
  • Is your personal or business email inbox secure? Is the data transmitted encrypted or in clear text? Is your data safe? If you want to do an in-depth test click here and follow the instructions, in German.
  • Do you have a perception of how much telemetry your app collects about you? I recommend going to exodus-privacy.eu.org a non-profit organization.
  • Do you have a sense of how much telemetry your Windows or macOS system collects?
  • Do you have a sense of how much telemetry your company collects without your knowledge to analyze your work performance?
  • Have you updated your desktop operating system due to declared obsolescence, do you pay the same attention to your cell phone?
  • Do you have a sense of the enormous amount of hidden information that is hidden in metadata?
  • Do you have a wearable device such as smartwatch, do you remember how many permissions you gave to use it?
  • Do you have a camera system with proprietary apps?
  • Do you have a spying smart home?
  • Do you have your data in the cloud?
  • Are you convinced that end to end encryption protects you?
  • Do you go crazy with passwords and try to use identical or at least similar keywords as much as possible?

How long does it take to crack a password?

PasswordTime to decipher
ciao46 microsecondi
ciaociao21 secondi
#$Sc12^X27 minuti
ciaociaociao4 mesi

Is there a solution?

Think, it will be enough one click to solve everything quickly? If private companies like public ones allocate few resources for security with evident damages, imagine you as a private individual how much would you be willing to invest?

A Neapolitan metaphor

I enclose Luca Sepe’s beautiful prank phone call “O VULIT N’GOOGLE?” click here for two laughs in a valley of tears.

The advice

You start from scratch you have to be digitally rebirth without making any missteps. But if you like to show off the photos on social media of your latest Luigi Vittone bag a fake, that is a sensational, then:

THERE IS NO HOPE FOR YOU, you are digitally dead!

  1. Neapolitan expression meaning “the cold on me”, “I froze”. ↩︎