Beacon is not the bacon

It is written Beacon and read Bicon, it is not a synthetic food but, it is a product of human genius that allows you to improve (not really) your life.

What are we talking about?

Apple back in 2013 introduced iBeacon, a protocol that allows devices to communicate with each other, using low energy consumption (Bluetooth Low Energy BLE), through an independent network capable of communicate in limited areas.

You are probably already an unknowing user of this technology

So, it does not use the data network but the radio signals of mobile devices that have Bluetooth, thus being able to incredibly enhance the so-called Proximity Marketing. Technology that together with the information coming from geolocation and other sensors of the devices, enhances the effectiveness and quality of the data that can be collected.

We also think about wearable devices and applications for monitoring movements within a certain area etc. Undisputed usefulness for ethical applications in help the elderly, disabled in check movements in unknown places, to ask for help or assistance.

The focus of attention shifts to the applications we use that make use of information we transmit and receive, becoming the object of collection of our sensitive data.

Once upon a time there was a loyalty card for collect points

Imagine that the app you use, in which you check your loyalty points balance and order rewards, with Beacon monitors you, how much time you spend in a ward, sends you targeted advertising messages and I dare not imagine what other data it can collect, since you agreed to access your sensitive data when you installed the application.

You’ll tell me, I’m not a Maramao1

I can already see you smiling in to think, I don’t install customer loyalty advertising apps. I prove you wrong right away, the vast majority of TICKET RESTAURANT app users that push for card virtualization in favor of the app, and in making you believe that everything is greener have trackers2 and traceability systems inside them that you use daily.

Did you know that TICKET RESTAURANT apps are Trojan Horses?

  1. Inspired by the 1939 song, Maramao why are you dead? click here↩︎

  2. The concept of tracker must necessarily be explored in depth, search the site with the keyword «tracker». ↩︎