In a world that

Imagine for a moment a situation like this… your works such as articles, books, photographs, videos suddenly you are no longer the exclusive owner but, you have an annoying intruder who claims to be entitled to access all your content and, not only that, and also has the arrogance to monitor and spy on the actions and activities related to your works like a Gestapo.

Let’s be honest, your sense of nausea is increasing, at border of the vomiting! No, it’s just pure narrative fantasy!

Fantasies can be reality

If I told you that these are not fantasies? Today it is the turn of Adobe, but the way of operating will be the same and therefore prepare yourselves for the uniform behavior of all these Hi-tech companies. Resign yourselves to endless corrections and very long readings on the contractual conditions that will make your brain rack. I will lay out for you the image that was presented to the users of Adobe software.

Change of Adobe license contract conditions

`Change of Adobe license contract conditions

The negative feedback from users has prompted Adobe to better specify their intentions (which are in any case malicious), well, take a closer look at the license published on June 18, 2024 click here. .

Adobe has the authority to review digital content to identify abusive behavior by its customers.

We review content on our servers for certain types of illegal content (such as child sexual abuse material) or other offensive content or behavior (for example, patterns of activity that indicate spam or phishing). We begin this process with an automated review, but if our automated systems or another User flag a problem, a controller may review the content to confirm whether it is illegal or offensive.

Content analysis with cloud content. Subject to opt-out rights of the User, we would perform Content Analysis

You, the user of the Adobe suite software, have accepted the terms of use of the license and were aware that you have renounced the right to confidentiality of the data, therefore they are scanning you!

If you are still convinced about Cloud then you haven’t read the article I am cloud and you are an gullible .

Data may also be shared on the Cloud platform, «Public and Shared Cloud Content. For Cloud Content on our Adobe Stock platform and other public platforms, such as the Behance and Lightroom communities, all Cloud Content is subject to review for intellectual property and security issues (for example, violence and nudity). If you choose to share Cloud Content with others users through our Software and Services, we may automatically review this shared Cloud Content to flag abusive behavior (such as spam or phishing).»

Do you pay for Adobe acrobat license to generate pdf?

Who guarantees me that the data is not stored and analyzed, with the arrogance of being an active participant in reporting abuses could be put under the magnifying glass of a manager or a politician, among confidential data, correspondence, economic data and other things that I don’t dare to imagine!

Today, there will be someone to reassure you, and tomorrow?

Maybe you should read, I Have Nothing to Hide

The solution?

Strange, there is, it exists! Free software and operating systems.